“Winnable and Unwinnable Games” 可赢和不可赢的游戏
开始学习日语前,我把那些文章全都读了一遍,从中获得了一些很有帮助的意见。其中最有价值的意见之一就是:“winnable and unwinnable games”(可赢和不可赢的游戏)这个概念。
“ The world has gotten a bit complicated; lots of people no longer do manual/physical labor. Their work is mental. It is also — typically — large, fuzzy and unclear in scope. They don’t have the simple satisfaction of “making widgets”. They aren’t getting the “win” that comes built into the completion of a small physical task. Think about it — you put food in the microwave, you input the cooking time, you start the cooking, DONE — you win! Boom, boom, boom, boom, WIN!
And this doesn’t just apply to jobs, it applies to daily life. How do you win out of “Get taxes done”? “Learn Japanese”? “Finish manual translation”? “Write dissertation”.
The answer is you don’t. And this is why so many people procrastinate on these things and never get them done — or only get them done at the last minute, with lots of pain, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth and oaths to self of “never again!”, or “but I only work well under pressure!”.
It’s not that they suck; it’s not that the majority of humans are unfit to “think” and “ponder” and “lead” and be “masters of their own affairs”. It’s that they can’t win, or they can’t win soon, at “Get taxes done”? “Learn Japanese”? “Finish manual translation”? “Write dissertation”. Not being able to win soon is the same as not being able to win at all. And if human beings hate anything, it’s un-winnable games. Or, to phrase it more positively — humans love short, tangible, winnable games. If you give them these, you can get them to do anything.“
“很多我们尝试弄的事情都是规模很大的任务。他提出的例子包括“学会日语”和“写毕业论文”。我们都不知道这样的任务需要持续多久,我们也不一定会做得好,不确定能不能完成。你可以某一天内花费4个小时学日语,或者4个小时写论文。但过了那4个小时以后你还是不会日语,论文还是远远没写完。虽然投入了那4个小时的时间,但感觉什么都没有收获。这样复杂、费时、痛苦、大规模的任务可以被称为“unwinnable games”(不可赢的游戏)。无论你某一天内花费多少时间弄这些事情,你那天都完成不了,或者说你赢不了那天的游戏。这个特性会导致我们偷懒。
所以呢,为了完成那样复杂的任务,我们得先把它们分成小的,不会让人生畏的、可以在一天或者一个小时,或者十分钟内完成的小任务。换句话说,把一个unwinnable game(不可赢的游戏)分成好多winnable games(可赢的游戏)。通过持续每天给自己安排很多这样有时间限定、小规模的、细节具体的、不难完成的任务,我们就可以完成任何一个大任务。“
不可赢的游戏: 学会俄语🇷🇺
A. 花费两个小时研究成年以后学会俄语的中国人的学习意见
B. 花费两个小时研究成年以后成功学会任何外语的人的学习意见
C. 花费一个小时研究最受推荐的、系统性的俄语学习教材
D. 制定一个具体的短期学习目标
E. 制定一个具体的长期学习目标
A. 听十遍同一个简单的俄语对话
B. 把10个教材中出现的有用的俄语句子换成Anki单词卡
C. 学完当天的单词卡
D. 读一篇200到300词的简单俄语文章
E. 在Glossika上完成两百个reps的俄语
A. 看个30分钟左右的俄罗斯喜剧
B. 跟网上的俄罗斯朋友做一个小时的语言交换
C. 读5页俄语小说
D. 看20分钟RT电视台的俄语新闻
E. 从输入学习的内容中找出10个值得专门学习的俄语句子,并把句子变成Anki单词卡
A. 写一篇关于最近新闻的俄语文章
B. 把几分钟的中文TED演讲翻译成俄语
C. 看完俄语小说的一整个章节
D. 向你的俄罗斯朋友总结最近在看的书
E. 拍个全俄语的vlog视频