Who we are

Our website address is: https://learnwithjohn.net.


This policy will explain areas of this website that may affect your privacy and personal details, how we process, collect, manage, and store those details and how your rights under the GDPR, DPA & PECR are adhered to.

Additionally, it will explain the use of cookies or software, advertising or commercial sponsorship from third parties and the download of any documents, files or software made available to you (if any) on this website.

Further explanations may be provided for specific pages or features of this website in order to help you understand how we, this website and its third parties interact with you and your computer / device in order to serve it to you. Our contact information is provided if you have any questions.

Data is a liability, it should only be collected and processed when absolutely necessary.

We will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute or make public your personal information. In the unlikely event that this website would be sold to a third party we would make sure that they obey these Privacy and data protection policies in the same terms as us.


This website collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:

Website visitor tracking 

Like most websites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their journey through the website.

Although GA records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us. GA also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you but Google do not grant us access to this.

GA makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Google’s developer guides. FYI our website uses the analytics.js implementation of GA.

Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this website.

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computers hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.
Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors or use the cookie control system if available upon their first visit.

We also use Thrive Architect plugins to track user interaction with our website, enhance interactivity, and deliver a more tailored user experience. To view or download this information, or request that it be deleted, please contact our support team via our Contact Page.

Email Newsletter

You can specifically request removal from the list of email newsletter anytime. You can do this by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe links contained in any email newsletters that we send you, or by requesting removal via our on-site “contact-me” . When requesting removal via email, please send your email to us using the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list.

When you book a session or a package lesson with us

This site uses Acuity Scheduling  to collect first name, surname, email address, and physical address to process the order of coaching services. Customers located in Italy are required to provide their valid codice fiscale with their order. This is necessary for us to issue invoices to Italian citizens and residents.


Any downloadable documents, files or media made available (if any)  on this website are provided to users at their own risk. While all precautions have been undertaken to ensure only genuine downloads are available users are advised to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications.
 We accept no responsibility for third-party downloads and downloads provided by external third-party websites and advise users to verify their authenticity using third party antivirus software or similar applications.


We adopt a Social Media Policy to ensure our business and our staff conduct themselves accordingly online. While we may have official profiles on social media platforms users are advised to verify authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with such profiles. We will never ask for user passwords or personal details on social media platforms. Users are advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media.

There may be instances where our website features social sharing buttons, which help share web content directly from web pages to the respective social media platforms. You use social sharing buttons at your own discretion and accept that doing so may publish content to your social media profile feed or page. You can find further information about some social media privacy and usage policies in the resources section below.


Our website may contain links to other websites run by other organizations. This privacy policy applies only to our website‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our website.


We are concerned to protect the privacy of children aged 16 or under. If you are aged 16 or under‚ please get your parent/guardian’s permission beforehand whenever you provide us with personal information.


This website is hosted by Bluehost (please see our third party data processors list). 

All traffic (transferral of files) between this website and your browser is encrypted and delivered over HTTPS. We have implemented Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate  on our website.


We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and all of them comply with GDPR.

   • Bluehost (Privacy policy)

   • WordPress (Privacy policy)

   • Thrive Architect (Privacy policy)

   • Google Analytics (Privacy policy)

   • 知乎 (Privacy policy)

   • Acuity (Privacy policy)

   • CCtalk (Privacy policy)

   • 微信 (Privacy policy)

   • Stripe (Privacy policy)

   • PayPal (Privacy policy)


You can request to have your data deleted by visiting our “Contact Me” page and requesting deletion via the message form.

If you just want to request removal from our mailing list you can do so by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe links contained in any email newsletters that we send you or by requesting removal via our “Contact Me” page on www.lucalampariello.com.


We keep this Policy under regular review. This Policy was last updated September 2018.