campfire, beach, people-984020.jpg



外语学习的难点之一是:有的外语单词可以表达多种我们母语分为好多个具体单词来表达的概念。比如英语的’Dumplings’可以表达:饺子,包子,馄饨,小笼包,汤团等。而比那个再难的难点是:我们母语的某一个具体单词,可以被翻译成那门外语的不同单词。比如,像我这样学西语的英语母语者就很难掌握和记住’ser’和‘estar’的区别,因为它们都有英语里“to be”的意思。





  • 参加考试
  • 参加面试
  • 参加活动
  • 参加篮球比赛
  • 参加跑步比赛
  • 参加唱歌比赛
  • 参加球队
  • 参加游泳队
  • 参加科学研究 (受试者)
  • 参加训练
  • 参加训练班
  • 参加课程
  • 参加一节课
  • 参加聚会
  • 参加大会
  • 参加谈判
  • 参加会议
  • 参加研讨会
  • 参加俱乐部
  • 参加治党
  • 参加组织
  • 参加电视节目 (看客+ 嘉宾)
  • 参加项目
  • 参加工作
  • 参加(舞蹈)社
  • 参加斗争
  • 参加竞拍
  • 参加讨论
  • 参加演出
  • 参加饭局
  • 参加游行


  • 参加考试 (exam)
  • 参加面试 (interview)
  • 参加活动 (activity/event)
  • 参加篮球比赛 (basketball match / basketball game)
  • 参加跑步比赛 (race)
  • 参加唱歌比赛 (sing competition)
  • 参加足球队 (football team)
  • 参加游泳队 (swimming team/swim team)
  • 参加科学研究 (受试者) (scientific research)
  • 参加训练 (training)
  • 参加训练班 (training course)
  • 参加课程 (course)
  • 参加一节课 (class)
  • 参加聚会 (party)
  • 参加大会 (conference)
  • 参加谈判 (negotiations)
  • 参加会议 (meeting)
  • 参加研讨会 (seminar)
  • 参加俱乐部 (club)
  • 参加治党 (political party)
  • 参加组织 (organization)
  • 参加电视节目 看客+ 嘉宾(tv program)
  • 参加项目 (project)
  • 参加工作 (work)
  • 参加(舞蹈)社 (club/society)
  • 参加斗争 (battle)
  • 参加竞拍 (auction)
  • 参加讨论 (discussion)
  • 参加演出 (performance / show)
  • 参加饭局 (banquet/dinner party)
  • 参加游行 (parade)

做完了吗?你做的情况怎么样呢?我猜不会太容易。答案如下,我提供的答案不一定是唯一表达该意思的词语,但就是被母语人最常用的。比如说:“to take part in a match”不是错误的,但母语人几乎总是会说:“to play a match”。我发现中国人经常在不合适的情况下用“join”那个单词。其实“to join”的意思就是:“加入”或“报名参加”。

另一个问题是:很多中国学生常常使用“to participate in”和“to take part in”。在英语的好多情况下,它们不合适。要是你发现你在以上测试的答案中用了太多“join”,“participate in” 或 “take part in”,或者有很多你不知道怎么表达的词语搭配的话,那我鼓励你参考下面的正确答案,把你做错过的词语的正确说法学会。

(Link: 如何用Anki单词卡提高你的词汇量)


  • 参加考试 to take an exam / to do an exam / to have an exam / to sit an exam
  • 参加面试 to do an interview/ to have an interview
  • 参加活动 to do an activity / to take part in an activity / to attend an event / to go to an event
  • 参加篮球比赛 to play a basketball match/game
  • 参加跑步比赛 to run a race / to take part in a race
  • 参加唱歌比赛 to take part in a singing competition / to be in a singing competition / to participate in a singing competition
  • 参加辩论会 to take part in a debate / to participate in a debate
  • 参加足球队(初次参加/加入) to join a football team
  • 参加足球队 to be on a football team / to be part of a football team / to play for a football team
  • 参加游泳队(初次参加/加入) to join a swim/swimming team
  • 参加游泳队 to be on a swimming team / to be part of a swim team / to swim for a swimming team (swim team 和 swimming team 都可以)
  • 参加科学研究 (受试者) to take part in scientific research
  • 参加训练 to do some training/ to have some training/ to get some training
  • 参加训练班 to do a training course
  • 参加课程 to do a course / to take a course / to be on a course
  • 参加一节课 to have a class / to take a class / to be in a class
  • 参加聚会 to go to a party / to attend a party / to be at a party
  • 参加大会 to go to a conference / to attend a conference/ to be at a conference
  • 参加谈判 to participate in negotiations/ to take part in negotiations
  • 参加会议(meeting) to have a meeting / to be in a meeting / to go to a meeting
  • 参加研讨会 to go to a seminar / to attend a seminar/ to be at a seminar
  • 参加俱乐部 (初次参加/加入) to join a club
  • 参加俱乐部 to be part of a club / to be a member of a club
  • 参加治党 (初次参加/加入) to join a political party
  • 参加治党 to be part of a political party / to be a member of a political party
  • 参加组织 (初次参加/加入) to join an organization
  • 参加组织 to be part of an organization / to be a member of an organization
  • 参加电视节目 (看客) to attend the filming of a show / to go to the filming of a tv show
  • 参加电视节目 (嘉宾) to be on a tv show
  • 参加项目 to participate in a project / to be involved in a project
  • 参加工作 to start working/ to get your first job
  • 参加(舞蹈/慢跑/阅读等)社 (初次参加/加入) to join a club/society
  • 参加(舞蹈/慢跑/阅读等)社 to be part of a club/society / to be a member of a club/society
  • 参加斗争 to fight a battle / to fight in a battle / to participate in a struggle/ to be part of a struggle
  • 参加竞拍 to bid at an auction / to make bids at an auction
  • 参加讨论 to take part in a discussion / to be part of a discussion / to participate in a discussion / to have a discussion
  • 参加演出 to be part of a performance / to perform in a show
  • 参加饭局 to go to a dinner party/banquet / to attend a dinner party/banquet
  • 参加游行 to march in a parade


  • to do: an exam, an interview, an activity, some training, a training course
  • to have: an exam, an interview, some training, a class, a meeting, a discussion
  • to play: a match, a game, for a team
  • to take part in: an activity, a race, a competition, a debate, a discussion
  • to be: in a competition, in a class, in a meeting, on a team, on a course, on a tv show, at a party, at a conference, at a seminar, part of a (club, political party, organization, society), a member of a (club, political party, organization, society), part of a struggle, part of a discussion, part of a performance
  • to attend: an event, a party, a conference, a seminar, the filming of a tv show, a dinner party, a banquet
  • to go to: an event, a party, a conference, a seminar, the filming of a tv show, a dinner party, a banquet, a meeting
  • to participate in: a competition, a debate, negotiations, a project, a struggle, a discussion
  • to join: (加入) a team, a club, a political party, an organization, a society, a group


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