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话题:Describe a time when someone apologized to you

Tip 1: A date with a friend


“约会”和“date”有区别。约会通常有浪漫的意味,不过也有属于友谊的约会。两个在约会的人不一定有浪漫的意图。而英文的date只有浪漫的意味,因此如果你约的是一个朋友的话,那就不是a date。

事实上,英语里没有一个很适合用来形容两个朋友会面的名词,我们几乎总是用动词来谈论那件事情,比如: to meet a friend / to have coffee with two friends / to go out with two friends / to hang out with a friend / to arrange to meet a friend

Tip 2: to be intimate with / to get intimate with


目前如果母语人说某两个人”have an intimate relationship”那通常意味着他们一起睡觉。同样如此“to be intimate with someone”,“to get intimate with someone”在现代的英语中几乎总是用来表达做爱的意思。

理论上“intimate”还是可以被用于表达它原来的那个“close”的意思,但是因为容易引起混淆,或者会听上去很搞笑,所以现在很少母语人会那样用。情况有一点像“gay”那个单词一样。50年前,要是你说”he looks gay”,大部分人会把你的意思理解成“他看起来状态很快乐的样子”。“Intimate”的用法好像正在经历“gay”已经经过的改变。

所以呢,要是你想表达”紧密关系”就用母语人会用的“close relationship”。除非你想让你的考官爆笑,否则不要像我听到的回答这个话题的学生一样说:你和你奶奶”have an intimate relationship”,也不要像另外一个谈论有趣动物的学生说大象愿意“get intimate with people”。

Tip 3: 早到了

一部分谈论朋友迟到那件事情也错误地表达了“我早到了”那个意思。在英语里“到”就是“arrive”,然后“我到了”就是“I (have) arrived”,所以呢“我早到了”就是“I arrived early”。“我准时到了”就是“I arrived on time”。

话题:Describe a time when you were part of a team

Tip 1: 参加




A team that I participated – A team I was on 或 A team I was part of 

A time I joined in a team – A time I was on a team 或 A time I was part of a team 

I chose to participate this club – I chose to join this club 

a lot of people participated the club – a lot of people joined the club 或 the club had a lot of members 

I didn’t want to take part this event – I didn’t want to take part in this event

to take part in a camping – to go camping 

Tip 2: 团队不一定是team


合唱团就是”a choir”,然后“旅行团”就是”a tour group”。


Tip 3: Coursework / Schoolwork / Group work


要提供这样答案的话,别忘记coursework, schoolwork, group work那些单词都是不可数名词。

别说”a coursework”,“some group works”之类的话。

我们只能说”some coursework”,“a piece of schoolwork”,“some group work”之类的。

要是你想用可数名词的话可以说”an assignment”或”a project“。

完美回答的例子: 这个话题就是刚刚出版的Learn With John 40天雅思自学教材(7分班)的话题之一。以下就是前4句,要是你想看全部这个答案配中文翻译和英语语音的话,欢迎你联系Lynn。

Describe a time when you were part of a team 

I work for a big company and some of my colleagues organize different kinds of sports activities at weekends.  Some of them meet to play basketball every weekend, others play badminton and some play football. I went to play badminton a few times and once I went to play football. 

I only went once because I’m not so good at football……

话题:Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone / an occasion when you could not use your mobile phone

Tip 1: 无聊



很多人说无法玩手机时I was boring,那就意味着他自己是个无聊的人。


I feel bored when I can’t use my phone.

Sitting there without my phone was boring.

I was so bored when I couldn’t use my phone.

Tip 2: 玩手机

在英语玩手机就是“to use a mobile phone”

或“to play with a mobile phone”

或“to play games on a mobile phone”。

还是有很多人用“to play mobile phone”那个错误表述。


Tip 3: 查资料


英语没有”of blue colour”、“with blue colour”那样的说法。




“它是蓝色的”在英语里就是:“it is/was blue”。

一件灰色的衬衫就是“a grey shirt”。

完美回答的例子: 这个话题就是我们最新一期的LEARN WITH JOHN 40天雅思自学教材(七分版)的话题之一。以下就是前4句,要是你想看全部这个答案以及配套的中文翻译和我录制的英语语音的话,欢迎你联系Lynn购买。

Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

The two situations I can think of where I’m not really allowed to use my phone are during exams and when I’m on a plane.  To be honest I never turn off my phone when I’m on a plane now so I guess I’ll talk about a time when I took an exam.  

The reason I remember this exam, in particular, is because somebody else’s phone went off during the exam.  It was a politics exam in my college….

话题:Describe a time when the weather stopped you from doing something you had planned to do

Tip 1: 很遗憾/很可惜

在描述天气阻碍自己做想做的事情那个经历时,很多人都想说那就很可惜或者他们觉得很遗憾。其中有很多学生错用“pity”那个单词。正确的表述是”it was a pity that”或”I felt sorry that”。在这样情况我们不可以说”I feel pity that”,“I feel pity about”,”I feel sorry about”。


It was a pity that we couldn’t go. (很可惜我不能去)

I felt sorry that the concert was cancelled. (我很遗憾音乐会被取消)

Tip 2: prevent an activity

有的学生说“the weather prevented that activity”和“the snow prevented my activity”这类的话来表述“天气阻碍了那个活动”的意思。事实上在英语prevent+activity不是词语搭配。有几个可以用来表达这个意思的英语说法。

要是用prevent的话,应该跟from那个词一起用。比如:the weather prevented us from doing that activity (天气使我们无法进行那项活动) the weather prevented our flight from taking off (天气阻止我们的航班起飞)。

另一个好用的说法是because of + couldn’t。比如: because of the bad weather we couldn’t do that activity(由于天气不好,我们无法进行那项活动)。because of the snow our flight couldn’t take off (由于下雪,我们的航班无法起飞)

Tip 3: 那天

这是在之前【地点描述类】文章中提过的错误。 在英语“那天”就是“that day”,不是“at that day”。练习这个题目的很多学生都说了“at that day”和“on that day”,但是很少有学生用了正确的那个“that day”。

话题:Describe a time when you were very excited

Tip 1: 兴奋

就像上面提到的bored和boring一样,很多学生也把excited和exciting搞混。他们想解释的是他们因为很期待做那件事,所以很兴奋。正确的表述是“I was very excited”, 不是”I was very exciting”。


I’m excited about starting my new job.

Moving to a new city is exciting.

My dog gets so excited every time someone comes through the door.

This is an exciting opportunity.

Tip 2: 要是我没记错的话

英语有大概表达“要是我没记错”那样意思的表述,那就是”If I remember correctly”。

还有更加正式一点的”If my memory serves me correctly”。


这个表述已经被太多中国的雅思考生背诵过,大多数人都不理解它的准确用法。每次他们提到之前发生过的事情他们都用这个表述。现在基本上听不到国内的考生用”I remember”那个母语人通常用的表述。

如果母语人想陈述某一件事情是什么时候发生的,我们一般来说会用“I remember”。

比如说“I remember it was when I was 18.”或者“I remember it happened when I was at university.”

只有当我们记不太清楚那件事情是什么时候发生时,才会用类似”If I remember correctly”。


在很明显应该用”I remember”的时候,他们一直用的另外那种说法。


例如: If my memory serves me correctly it happened last weekend. (你怎么能记不清这件令你兴奋的事情是否是上周末发生的?)或者If I remember correctly it was the morning of my wedding. (怎么可以把结婚那天跟别的日子搞混?!)。

另外,很多尝试用这样的表述的人说得也不准确,他们经常忘记说”If my memory serves me correctly”中的my或者me。

总结一下,一般来说,谈论之前发生过的事情时,母语人会说”I remember”。只要在我们想特别强调自己记得不是十分清楚时才会用”If I remember correctly”。“If my memory severs me correctly”也有一样的意思,但是听上去很正式。其它有同样的意思的,没有被中国考生滥用的表述就是:“If I’m not mistaken”和“As far as I remember”。

Tip 3: 查资料




完美回答的例子: 这个话题就是我们最新一期的LEARN WITH JOHN 40天雅思自学教材(六分版)的话题之一。以下就是前4句,要是你想看全部这个答案以及配套的中文翻译和我录制的英语语音的话,欢迎你联系Lynn。

Describe a time when you were very excited 

I’m going to tell you about my first date with my current girlfriend.  We have been together for 2 years, since our first year of high school.  We both went to different middle schools so the first time we met was in our first week of high school.  We weren’t in the same class so I had to get a mutual friend to introduce us. 


要是你想通过同时训练听力,阅读,写作和发音,并在40天内提高雅思分数的话,我们的LEARN WITH JOHN《40天雅思教材》会帮助到你。假设你需要在一两个月内提高写作的话,欢迎你参加我们LWJ雅思写作训练营或者使用John精心编写的《步步学雅思写作基础课程


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